Software Quality Assurance & Security Services

‘‘Increasing Digital Footprint Globally"

 Our SQA and Security teams ensure that all software engineering processes, methods, activities, and work items are consistently monitored and meet the established standards across the software development lifecycle.

Why Us?

We Provide comprehensive solutions and services in digital space for businesses of all sizes. Our knowledge-centric approach allows us to develop leading-edge solutions that will transform the way our clients do business.

Wide Range of Expertise

Our team has diverse and extensive set of knowledge and skills across various domains or fields

Wide Range of Tools

Select the most suitable tool that can enhance productivity allows for customization, efficiency, and improved outcomes

Responsibility and Accountability

Our team is reliable in fulfilling commitments and obligations; ensuring they are carried out effectively and ethically

24/7 Support

Our team of experts is available 24/7 to support from planning to implementation and to support during operations

Cost Effective

Providing good value to allows organizations to maximize their resources and achieve their goals while minimizing costs

What We Offer

Usability Testing

Avoid frustrating user experience through usability testing

Functional Testing

Ensure App Functionality and Sound Software that adheres to specified requirements

Performance, Network and Load

Find out how well your Software and Apps perform in production

Penetration Testing

Know the vulnerabilities before they are exploited

Usability Testing

A poor user experience while using the software can result in a loss of customer Software with a poor look, difficult to navigate, containing errors, or doesn’t functioning can result in customer churn. Our usability testing points out issues related to user design and experience with the button size and delay issues. Our robust software and app UI/UX testing provides candid feedback so you can ensure a top-notch user experience that is consistent across devices. Software such as graphic display, navigation, error messages, 

Functional Testing

Functional testing is the assessment of functions a software has been designed to perform Functional testing strategy can be customer driven or can be made for the customer. Our functional testing capabilities evaluate core functions of the software or app against test standards at the most basic level including:

Performance, Network & Load Testing

Evaluate your software performance from load, stress, volume and scalability. Performance testing tools examine speed, scalability and stability to identify improvements needed before the software goes in production. We run a wide range of performance tests to make sure your app brings users the experience they want.

Penetration Testing

A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a simulated ethical cyber-attack against your computer system to check for vulnerabilities. Our extensive experience and expertise in pen test help you to minimize the threats faced in cyber space. We cover a wide range of test options including following:

Open-box pen test

In an open-box test, the hacker will be provided with some information ahead of time regarding the target company’s security info.

Closed-box pen test

Also known as a ‘single-blind’ test, this is one where the hacker is given no background information besides the name of the target company.

Covert pen test

Also known as a ‘double-blind’ pen test, this is a situation where almost no one in the company is aware that the pen test is happening, including the IT and security professionals who will be responding to the attack. For covert tests, it is especially important for the hacker to have the scope and other details of the test in writing beforehand to avoid any problems with law enforcement.

External pen test

In an external test, the ethical hacker goes up against the company’s external-facing technology, such as their website and external network servers. In some cases, the hacker may not even be allowed to enter the company’s building. This can mean conducting the attack from a remote location or carrying out the test from a truck or van parked nearby.

Internal pen test

In an internal test, the ethical hacker performs the test from the company’s internal network. This kind of test is useful in determining how much damage a disgruntled employee can cause from behind the company’s firewall.